Friday, May 7, 2010

Christ Ahnsahnghong re established the Passover new covenant

The Bible says in Isaiah 24:1: "See, the Lord is going to way laste the earth and devastate it. He will ruin its face and scatter its inhabitants".
So the question here is: What is the reason that church leaders and the people who claim to believe in God, are faced with dissasters?
"...they have disobeyed the laws, violated the statutes and broken the everlasting covenant (Isaiah 24:5).
If we keep the "everlasting covenant"we are protected from all dissasters; but if we don't, we are destroyed, even though we claim to be people of of God.
What is the everlasting covenant?.
The "everlasting covenant"which God commanded to people to keep to escape disaster is the Passover.
In the Old Testament, those who kept the Passover with the blood of the lamb, escape disasters. In the New Testament, those who keep the Passover with the bread and wine escape disasters.
In the Old Testamemt, if they didn't keep the Passover, they were distroyed, though they were people of God. In the New Testament, if people don't keep the new covenant Passover, they are faced with a terrible disaster, even though they are people of God.
Today, many churches are still claiming: "we can be saved only with faith in Jesus"and refuse to hear the message from God, "keep the new covenant Passover".
In this age too, when we keep the new covenant Passover, we will be saved; but if we don't, we will be destroyed, eventhough we claim to be people of God.
The new covenant Passover is the everlasting covenant of God, which save us from disasters.
Thank You so much Heavenly Father Christ Ahnsahnghong because You re established the Passover for us, Your children and for our salvation and protection.