Friday, August 27, 2010

Mother Jerusalem's salvation is being preached in the whole world

Now the salvation of Jerusalem Mother is being preached to the whole world, and many souls on every continent of the world are coming to God. In whatever place, the truth about "Mother" is the spiritual master key that opens the minds of all people. How amazing!
Even the people, who have not listened to the gospel we've preached for years, open their minds and come to the truth within a very short period of time. This is impossible without the truth about God our Mother. The Bible prophesies that living water will flow out from Jerusalem and that swarms of living creatures will live wherever the water of life flows.
In the Bible, the Most Holy Place means the heavenly Jerusalem our Mother (2 Ch 3:8; 1 Ki 6:19-20; Rev 21:9-16). According to the prophecies, wherever the truth about God the Mother is proclaimed, all the nations of the world are being revived by God's grace. Longing for life and teachings of love from Mother, all the nations are coming to salvation.

The Holy Spirit movement is accomplish through our Mother Jerusalem

There were many times in the past when we disobeyed God's will. Nevertheless, our heavenly Father and Mother Jerusalem have not turned away from us but have patiently waited for all of us to repent, and lead us to the everlasting heavenly home. For this, we give thanks and glory again to our heavenly Father and Mother.
Think of how the earth moves and the universe operates. There is God who works behind the scenes. If God's power does not work, the earth's revolution and rotation will stop and the whole universe will cease to operate in an instant. Even the things that we treat lightly and take for granted have been working in the hands of Father and Mother Jerusalem. Keeping this fact in mind, we, the people of Zion, should always be thankful and run the race of faith without being exhausted until we reach the kingdom of heaven.
Since God helps us, the Holy Spirit movement is now actively arising throughout the world and the gospel is rapidly spreading.
The world waits for those whom God is with. God allows the people, who always remember Him and contemplate His will, to witness the wonderful work of the Holy Spirit. God promised to be with us until the end of the age.
We should accompany Elohim, our heavenly Father and Mother Jeusalem—our Shepherds, and go into all the nations of the world to bring the good news to them, as God has purposed. Let us go, having God Elohim in the center of our hearts, and bear gracious fruit of the gospel abundantly.

Our Mother Jerusalem opens the way for us for the gospel

Mt.28:18-19 "And Jesus came to them and said: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples to all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit".
How amazing this commanment is. 2,000 years ago Father gave this great mission to the apotles that is being fulfilled in these days by us, the children of God.
We go to all nations to preach the gospel, to let the people know about Heavenly Mother Jerusalem, looking for our lost brothers and sisters.
The movement of the 10 talents id being accomplished in the whole world and this week has been so amazing sice a short term preching came and I was able to participate, without thinking in anything else, only focus in the gospel. Thru this shor-term preaching Father Ahn Sahng Hong and Mother Jerusalem allow me to realize how amazing is this job that we have, how great is to feel the power of the Holy Spirit when we go out preaching and also to realze how Heavenly Mother Jerusalem is praying for us leading many souls to repentance. "My sheep listen to my voice" (John 10:27) Our brothers an sisters who have been found during this week are so precious, and they were able to receive the message with so much kindness and happiness. Thru them I was able to see that our Mother Jerusalem has opened the way for Her lost children to come now, we only need to let down the nets again, because the beautiful talents are waiting for us.
All praises. glory, honor and thanks to Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and Mother Jerusalem for the short term preaching, for the amazing blessing to preach the gospel, for Their salvation and eternal life...