Thursday, March 25, 2010

Second Coming Christ, Ahnsahnghong, guides us to salvation.

The Bible prophesies that Jesus will come on a cloud, for a second time, in order to restore the lost truth and to lead the children of God into the kingdom of heaven. When Jesus came two thousand years ago, He fulfilled the prophecy of the book of Daniel by "coming with the clouds of heaven" (Dan.7:13-14). Actually, Jesus came as a man, in the flesh. Jesus is prophesied to come a second time on the clouds of heaven, meaning that He will come as a man, in the flesh, again.
Ahnsahnghong, the Second Coming Christ, has come in the flesh, fulfilling the prophecies of the Bible. When Jesus ascended into heaven, the angels asked the people, "Why do you stand here looking at the sky?" The members of the Church of God are not looking up into the sky, and are not waiting for the second coming of Jesus. We have already received the Second Coming Christ, Ahnsahnghong, who has come in the flesh according to the prophecies of the Bible. The Church eagerly preaches to the people who are still looking up at the clouds of the sky, informing them that their Savior, Christ, has already come.
Let us receive the Second Coming Christ, Ahnsahnghong, who guides us to salvation, to the kingdom of heaven, to the eternal life.

The name of the savior in this age is Ahnsahnghong, Jesus’ new name

Once we come to understand the time limitations of each age, it is very easy for us to understand how each age affected the salvation of God’s people. In the age of the Father, people were the witnesses of Jehovah (Isa. 43:10), they prayed in the name of Jehovah, and salvation was promised only through the name of Jehovah (Joel 2:32).
Once the age of the Son had begun, how did the people, who were to receive salvation, act? Did they insist on praying in the name of Jehovah as the witnesses of Jehovah, believing that they could only be saved through the name of Jehovah? Jesus’ disciples became the witnesses of Jesus (Acts 1:6), they prayed in the name of Jesus (John 16:24), and they received salvation only by believing the name of Jesus (Rom. 10:9).
Then, in the age of the Holy Spirit, of what name should we become the witnesses, what name should we use when we pray, and what name has the authority to give us salvation?
The name is Ahnsahnghong, Jesus’ new name (John 5:39)
Everyone living in this last age of the Holy Spirit! Christ Ahnsahnghong is the Savior of this age! Today, salvation is only given through the name of Christ Ahnsahnghong, and only those who are the witnesses of Christ Ahnsahnghong and pray in His name will be able to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Please believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong, our Savior in the age of the Holy Spirit, so that you may receive eternal life.

Church of God, World Mission Society, keeps the Sabbath day

After the apostles died, Christianity spread to western regions, including Rome. The gospel was preached to sun-god worshipers, and in the early 4th century, even the Roman emperor had heard the message of Christ. The emperor happened to be a leader of the sun-god worshipers, and when he converted to Christianity, many sun-god worshipers began to attend Church. As time passed, the faith of the Christians weakened, and they began to accept the customs of the sun-god worshipers. During this turn-over, they even began to rest and to worship on the first day of the week [Sunday]. In A.D. 321, Constantine, a Roman emperor, decreed an edict:
"All judges, city-people and craftsmen shall rest on the venerable day of the Sun."
Some argue that the abolishment of the Sabbath compelled many people to convert to Christianity, but we must not forget that altering God's commandmen was Satan's scheme. Satan, the devil, opposes God and has historically harassed God's people, using various methods.
He tried to destroy the Church of God through severe persecution. But, taking a close look at history, the more that God's people were persecuted, the more that they depended on God. When Satan changed his methods of persecution, however, and praised the Church, he tempted the Christians to combine their faiths together. They were given back the properties that had been taken from them, ministers were exempted from military service, and the Church was even given the right to emancipate slaves. Through all of these outwardly positive changes to the Church, the Christians unwittingly fell into Satan's schemes and knelt down before him. They turned their backs away from God, like an ignorant bear who doesn't realize that his gallbladder is going to be stolen, only focusing on the sweet candy he is being tempted with.
God clearly said that only he who does the will of God can enter the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 7:21-23). Which day should we worship God to please Him, Sunday which most people keep, or the Sabbath, Saturday, which God commanded His people to keep? It is unnecessary to reveal the answer, because the Sabbath day is clearly Saturday.