The most important time is right now. Te most significant person to whom we shoud preach the good news of God is the one who is in front of us now. And the most important thing in the world is to let the person know about the good news of salvation and be saved. This is the greatest reason why God came to this earth, laying aside the glory of heaven and leaving His throne behind.
About 2,000 years ago Jesus entrusted His desciples with the most noble thing in the world before He ascended into heaven saying: "Go and make disciples to all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Hoy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Mt.28:18). Just as Jesus said said let us lead many of the lost souls to salvation and all mankind to the kingdom of heaven. If everyone is save and goes to the eternal home of the kingdom of heaven, there is nothing more to be desired.
This is the path we must go, to bring us to salvation, God, our Father Ahn Sahng Hong came to this eatrh an walked the path of the gospel and testified of the New Jerusalem, our Heavenly Mother Jerusalem and prepared all the heavenly blessing and glory for us through the truth of the new covenant, for the everlasting glory of heaven,let us go to Samaria and to the ends of the earth and eagerly preach the gospel of the new cvenant, so we will save the most important people and fulfill the most meaningful and important task in the world which Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother Jerusalem has commanded us to do.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Father Ahnsahnghong and Mother Jerusalem commanded us to preach the new covenant through all the world
Posted by Jenn at 9:05 AM 0 comments
Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and Mother Jerusalem's word is absolute
Elohim God's (Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and Mother Jerusalem) word is absolute, and there can not be any exception to the absoluteness. When we carry it out absolutely, it will bring an abolute reult. Elohim God said: Do not add or subtract"(Deut.4:2), "Do not add or take away"(Rev.22:18). And give us a warning: If anyone adds anything to His words, God will add to him te plagues described in the Bible, and if anyone takes away from them, He will take away from him his share in the tree of life forever. This shows well how absolute is God's word and how abslute reult it accompanies.
Through Abraham's case, we can see how absolte God's (Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother) is and what blessing it brings. Abraham was granted Isaac as his heir when he was 100 years old. God, however commanded him to offer Isaac as a sacrifice whom he cherished and love more than his life, in order to test whether or not he loved God absolutely. Then Abraham decided to obey God without a single complaint, because he considered God's command as absolute and he determined to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. When he was about to kill Isaac, he heard the merciful voice of God "Do not lay a hand on the boy" Such faithsul obedience won he the praise of the people, that he is called "the father of faith"
We have the example in the Bible of Noah too, God commanded him to make an ark, a huge ark. Noah never complaint against God and began to construct the ark, believing that God would help him. As a result of obeying God's absolute words without adding or substracting from them, and Noah and his family where saved when all the people were destroyed by the flood. Thus the result of regarding the words of God as absolute was great blessing and joy.
We come to a conclusion that no one can follow's Elohim God's (Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and Mother Jerusalem) commands without absolute obedience. Such an absolute obedience is also requiere to keep God's commands. Many people insist in their arrogance opinions saying, "It doesn't matter whether we worship on sunday or Saturday" or "If we appoint the 25th of December as the holy birhday of Christ and celebrate it, though we don't celebrate the Passover, God will be pleased with it" or "We will be saved though we don't celebrate the Passover, for we have the Comunion every week or ever month. They say such nonsens because they don't regard God's word as absolute but degrade it lower then men insistances. Those who believe God with their own thoughts wil never be saved.
Now, we should keep in mind that the way to proceed toward the kingdom of heaven is to obey God's commands absolutely. We, the children of God in this age of the Holy Spirit have receive the last and greatest mission to go and make disciples through all the world (Mt.28:18) and to make our Heavenly Mother the praise of the earth (Is.62:6) Also our Mother Jerusalem has given us 13 teachings in order to became perfect and to love one another and become ready to go to our eternal home,the kingdom of heaven.
Let us believe that we will surely receive God's absoute blessing after absolute obedience. Heavenly Father Ahn Sahng Hong and Mother Jerusalem gave us absolute commands to give us absolute love.
Posted by Jenn at 7:47 AM 0 comments