Friday, June 4, 2010

Let us pray to Father Ahnsanhghong and Mother New Jerusalem to let us bear ten talents

All men can live by breathing, like wise, we the children og God can live by praying, for prayer is the breath of the spirit. Since we are children of God, we talk with God through prayer. Day and night our prayer is directed to God, who always hears our prayers.
Through the Bible we can see many times tha Father testifies that the only way to receive God's bleesings is through prayer. if we eagerly pray to our Father and Mother, They will listen to us and answer to us.
Let us eagerly pray to our Elohim God so They allow us bear the 10 talents and be able to fulfill this greatest mission of the gospel entrusted to us.
The time is now. Let us bear the 10 talents now!!!

Let us save the world by preaching our Heavenly Mother new Jerusalem

When ever we meet God's teachings in the Bible, we have to keep in mind that all the teachings and commands of God are for our own good, and we should have strong faith in our heavenly Father and in our heavenly Mother. They commanded us gospel preaching as the greatest mission so that we can realize that we will receive God's great blessing hrough missionary work. we are apt to consider missionary work as our sacrifice only by saving others, But actually, preaching is the way to save our selves. Tha's why God commanded us to preach.
At the beginning of our religius life, our faith is weak. But the more we do mission work, the more we understand the words of God. While we are preaching the gospel, we have the and understanding to realize God's word fully and have a firm belief in the truth and we get to know how great God's love is and have a great patience with difficulties.
Let us save the world by bearing ten talents. Let us fulfill our great mission of the gospel faithfully. Let us preach our heavenly Mother New Jerusalem!!!