Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Second Coming Christ Ahn Sahng Hong came in the flesh in the last days.

The most imporant thing when we study the Bible is to understand Christ and establish our faith in Him. For the Bible says that Christ is the great mystery.
2,000 years ago, the israelistes suffered greatly under the oppresion of the Roman government and they were eagerly waiting for the Messiah prophecied in the Bible and that He would come to deliver them from the oppresion. But, when the Messiah-Jesus Christ- came to them, they rejected and crucified Him.
Why did they commit such a terrible sin? They could not accept their savior coming in the flesh, as a mere man: John 10:31 "Again the jews pickud up stones to stone Him, but Jesus said to them "I have shown you many geat miracles from the Father, for which of these do you stone me?". We are not stoning you for any of these- replied the jews, but for blasphemy, because you, a mere men claim to be God"
Jesus is the God who created all things. The Almighy God came to this earth as a man bearing the name of Jesus.
The israelites had their fix idea about God, they expected the Messiah to come upon this earth with such great power and glory. In the same way, most Christians nowadays, they look for God to come with such visible glory.
If God had appeared in His majesty with His angels,they would have recognized Him, however, contrary to their expectations, Christ came to this earth, being made lower than the angels and the israelites could not believe in Him.
Like them, most people today have their fixed idea about God, they never think that God will be made lower than the angles, and they are waiting for Christ to appear a second time in dreadful and terrifying majesty.
We must let go our fix ideas about God who is omniscient and omnipotent. He can appear in His majesty or as a mere man.If we make up our own ideas about Christ, we will fail to receive Him in the last days.