Wednesday, December 23, 2009

But the Holy City, the New Jerusalem that is above is free and She is our Heavenly Mother

Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father are so amazing. Yesterday in Zion Thanks to Them I have the opportunity with one of the sisters to study about Jerusalem Mother, how amazing and perfect the Bible lead us exactly through all the prophecies testified on it to the New Jersusalem, Almighty God, our Heavenly Mother: "We brothers, like Isaac are children of promise" (Gal 42:8)..." and this is what he promised us, even eternal life (1Juan 2:25). As children of God we received the promise of the eternal life, a eternal life that is only given by God, but in the same way as a physical mother gives life a baby, in the same way, our Heavenly Mother gives us eternal life, forever and ever we will be with Her in heaven. In Rev.21:9, John saw the holy city Jerusalem coming down out heaven from God, she is the wife of the Lamb, 2nd Coming Christ, She has made herself ready for the wedding of the Lamb (Rev 19:7), in the last days se will come to this world to make her dwelling with men (Rev.21:4)She is with us now...But the Jerusalem that is above is free and she is our mother (Gal. 4:26) Our Mother is here in this world with us now, in the flesh, to calling us to give us the free gift of the water of life, the eternal life (Rev.2:17), and we have the amazing blessing to hear Her voice, to see Her, to praise, sing to Her, while living in this world at the same time She is.
Thank You Heavenly Mother for your coming and Your inconditional love for us.