Thursday, September 30, 2010

Witnesses of God Elohim, Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and our Mother Jerusalem

Each of us has been entrusted with the duty to testify about God Elohim, Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and our Mother Jerusalem, who are the Spirit and the Bride in these las days. Since we are Elohim's witnesses, we are compelled to preach the gospel. So the Apostle Paul said: "I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel" (1 Cor. 9:16).
People in the world do not know yet Elohim our Father and our Mother correctly. Unless we testify about Elohim, they will not be able to know the Bible or the power of God.
There are not only God the Father, but also God the Mother (Mt.6:9, Gal.4:26). We can be saved only when we believe in God the Father, Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and God the Mother, new Jerusalem, who gave birth to our souls (Rev.22:17).
Let us carry the mission of God's witnesses faithfully, so each and everyone of us can bear ten talents and even a thousand talents. Since Elohim said "Be my witnesses in Samaria to the ends of the earth", let us fulfil the mission of God's witnesses by diligently preaching God the Father, Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and God the Mother, new Jerusalem, to all natiosn of the world.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Ahn Sahng Hong and our Mother Jerusalem help us in everything

Do we ever accomplish any mission by our selves? Actually no, even if this looks so easy, without Father Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and our Mother Jerusalem, we can not do anything.
Now, let us think about the greatest mission that was given to us by Father Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and our Mother Jerusalem, which is to save the whole world. How ever, since They are with us, it is really not a reckless thing to do. Our God made all things, divided between the land and the sea and created light. Father Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and our Mother Jerusalem are now helping us. Let ask Them earnestly for Their help, let us eagerly pray to Them to bear the ten talents, everything is possible because Father Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and our Mother Jerusalem promised to us, They are with us until the end.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Let us praise forever our Mother Jerusalem

Revelation 22:17
"The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life".
The Holy Spirit is God the Father, and the Bride is the Wife of the Father. Therefore, She is God our Mother. Now, we, children of God, should preach to the whole world the good news that God the Mother Jerusalem has come to this earth, and whoever hears the message hast to come to Zion without hesitation and receive God the Mother Jerusalem, God is leading this new world and creating a new world. God the Mother Jerusalem embraces the whole world and leads all people with Her love.
Whoever believes in our Mother Jerusalem and follow Her teachings will inherit the eternal life. As children of God let us preach quickly these good news to Samaria and to the ends of the earth, so we will be able to praise God our Father and God our Mother forever in the heavenly kingdom of peace, where there will be no more death, or mourning, or crying, or pain.

Christ Anh Sahng Hong and our Mother Jerusalem revive our soul with the true water of life

How important is the water in our lives.
73% of the earth's surface is covered with water. Over 70% of the human body is also water. Then, is it possible to live in this earth without water? no way!!!
How ever, nowadays, our planet suffers from water shortage beacuse of prolonged severe drought. This is a warning sign to mankind's survival. What will happen if we loose part of the water of our body?. If we only loose a 5%, we fall in coma, and if we loose over 10%, we come to die.
In the same way, if our souls are not provided with the water of life, which is the Word of God, we will suffer from spiritual thirst and we will perish in the end.
According to the Bible, in these days, the whole world is suffering from spiritual drought (Amos 8:11). People is far away from God, even though they go to church.
Why people leave churches even though they are thirsty. It is because the churches do not give them the water of life.
In the age of spiritual thirst, according to the prophecy in the Bible, it says that the Spirit and the Bride give us the water of life.They are Christ Anh Sahng Hong and our Mother Jerusalem.
The Bible says in Revelation 22:17 "The Spirit and the Bride say come! and let him who hears say come!, who ever is thirsty let him come, who ever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life".
This is the message of salvation now! The Spirit and the Bride are the source of the water of life!!!
But, many Christian leaders insist that the bride is the church or the believers.
According to the dictionary, a church is a organization of christians/believers or a building in which they worship; then, can a building give us the water of life? or the believers give the water of life between each other.
2,000 years ago, when mankind suffered from spiritual drought, it was God in the flesh, Jesus Christ, who gave them the water of life.
The Bible prophecies that, in the present day too, God comes in the flesh and gives us the water of life, just like 2,000 years ago. According to the Trinity, the Spirit refers to God the Father, then, who is the Bride of God the Father?.
The Bible tells us that the Bride is the "heavenly Jerusalem" (Rev. 21:9) and that She is our Mother (Gal. 4:26).She is our Jerusalem Mother!
In order to mankind to hear the word of life, God the Mother has come in human likeness, and She is giving us the water of life.
Only God can give us the water of life-God's word that revives souls-in the age of the Father and of the Son and now of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you so much Mother Jerusalem to come to this earth, leaving everything in the kingdom of heaven to revive my poor soul.

Friday, September 17, 2010

God Elohim: Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and Mother Jerusalem

The Church of God only follows the teachings of the Bible and believes in the Second Coming of Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and Jerusalem Mother.
In the Bible God is referred to through plural terms instead of singular terms, and it is written that God has a male image and a female image. Therefore God exists in the male image and in the female image.
In Genesis 1:26, God says "lets us make man in our image...". The word "us" is a plural term, "Elohim", the Hebrew word used in place of "God" directly translates to "Gods", the plural form of the word "God". Therefore, the references to "us" in the book of Genesis refers to God the Father and to God the Mother. Some say that the word "us" indicates God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. If this argument is correct, there should be three types of people in the world, those who were made in the image of God the Father, those who resemble the image of God the Son and those created in the image of God the Holy Spirit. However, on this earth there are only two types of people: men and women. However, the "Gods" mentioned in Genesis 1.26 are the male image of God and the female image of God, God the Father and God the Mother. They are Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and Our Holy Mother Jerusalem, let us believe faithfully in Them and fulfill our mission and go back to the kingdom of heaven very soon.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The love of Father Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and Mother Jerusalem

Our Father Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and Mother Jerusalem love us so much. They came to this world and willingly suffered severe pains for us.
Almost the 66 books of the Bible tell that God is love. God has let us participate in the gosple work, so that we may preach our Elohim God´s love to the whole world. Unless we proclaim the love to the world, it will not know the love of God. We ought to let people know that Father Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and Mother Jerusalem are true love, so that they too, may be saved.
Preaching is the best way to practice God´s love. When we preach, our hearts are filled with the love and consecuently we came to resemble Father Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and Mother Jerusalem. Let us share Their love and blessing with one another, so that all the 144,000 brothers and sisters in Zion may resemble Them.

The savior in this last age is Christ Ahn Sahng Hong

For our salvation God has divided six thousand years into three ages: the age of the Father, the age of the Son and the age of the Holy Spirit and He allowed a different Savior's name for each of these ages-the name of Jehova in the name of the Father, the name Jesus in the name of the Son and the name of Ahn Sahng Hong in the age of the Holy Spirit.
Now we are living during the last age of the Holy Spirit. Thus, God has been administrating His plan of salvation, using the new Savior´s name. The name of the Holy Spirit Ahn Sahng Hong. Salvation is only given to those who believe in the name of the Savior that God has allowed to the people living in the particular age. Because now we are living in the age of the Holy Spirit, we must receive the Holy Spirit, Ahn Sahng Hong (Jesus´ new name), as the Savior if this age! Salvation is only given, today, through the name of Christ Ahn Sahng Hong, and only those who are the witnesses of Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and pray in His name will be able to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Truly He is our God and He came to this world to save us and to lead us to the Mother of our spirits, New Jerusalem.

The Bible testify about Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and Mother Jerusalem

How many people read the Bible nowadays?. Actually the Bible is the #1 book selled in the whole world and has been translated into almost all the languages in the world. This means that millions of people in this earth read the Bible. Actually the Bible was written long time ago in order to let us know and understand about God. Let us see whom the Bible testifies about:
John 5:39-40 "You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me and have life".
The Scriptures alone do not give eternal life. These were written to lead us to our savior Jesus Christ. Even though the Teachers of the Law studied diligently the Bible, they knew that God, according to the prophecies in the Scriptures, will come in the flesh; but, did they receive Him? No, they rejected their own savior, they rejected Jesus Christ, God Almighty in the flesh and crucified Him.
From Moses(Gen, Ex, Lev, Num, Deut) to all the Prophets(i.e. Jos, Is, Jer, Dan, Zac, etc)it means the whole Old Testament, we can find testimony about Jesus Christ, even though the name Jesus is never found in the Old Testament, but is He who fulfilled each and every prophecy written in the Bible. In other words, we just need the Bible that is the perfect word of Almighty God to testify about Jesus Christ.
In the same way, that same Bible (including this time the New Testament)testifies about Second Coming Christ and Heavenly Mother. We just need to give testimony about Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and our Mother Jerusalem only through the Bible.
Can we make the same mistake as the Pharisees and the Sadducees did 2,000 years ago? No way!!!
Christ Ahn Sahng Hong is Second Coming Christ and our Mother Jerusalem are true Almighty God. They are the Spirit and the Bride. Let us receive Them in our hearts, let us believe in Them and proclaim to the whole world about Their salvation, about the eternal life that They are giving freely to us.
Let us believe in Them and prech the gospel to the whole world and let us go back soon to the kingdom of heaven.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Lets us be saved thru preaching about God the Mother Jerusalem

We need to look at every world of the Bible just as it is, so that we can receive salvation. "My people are destroyed from a lack of knowledge (Hos.4:6). As the people of Zion, we should always examine the Bible everyday and obey the will of God the Father Ahn Sahng Hong and Ggod the Mother Jerusalem, in order that we may receive etrnal life and salvation.
Whoever wants to live according to the teachings of the Bible must believe in God the Mother Jerusalem as well as God the Father Ahn Sahng Hong. Wth this message we have to awaken the world by preaching the good news to all people and we will be saved.

The work we must do: Preaching the gospel of Mother Jerusalem

Mt.28:18-20 "Then Jesus came to them and said: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Preaching the truth of life and the good news about our Mother the New Jerusalem is not to convey knowledge to people, but to let them know about the practical issues which are directly related to the future of their own soul and the future of all mankind as well.
There are three types of work in this world: the work we must do, the work we may or may not do, and the work we must not do. Preaching the gospel is the work that those who are called and sent by God must do, and it is the great mission in the world.
How blessed we are, we are entrusted not only with the mission of preaching about our Mother Jerusalem, but also with the fate of the world. Since the great mission is put into our hands, the future of human kind will be bleak if we remain silent, but it will be bright with the light of God's glory if we display the glory of Father Ahn Sahng Hong and Mother Jerusalem and shout it out loud. We should ask God for the blessings and power of the Holy Spirit every day so that the gospel will be preached to all countries and regions of the world.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Salvation depends only on Father Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and our Mother Jerusalem

The Bible testifies that God will come for a second time to this earth in the flesh and teach us His ways of salvation in the last last days, just as He did in His first coming.
Mic.4:1-5"In the last days the mountain of the LORD's temple will be established as a chief among the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and people will stream to it. Masny nations will come and say: "Come, let us go to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us His ways, so that we may walk on His paths. The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem".
This prophecy concerns God's work of salvation to be fulfilled in the last days. People of all nations are streaming to Zion, the mountain of the Lord's temple in order to know who it is that gives them salvation and follow His teachings. God's set purpose never fails to be fulfilled.
We can attain salvation when we recognize God who has come to bring salvation and follow God's teachings.
Now God, who has appeared as the Spirit and the Bride, Father Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and our Mother Jerusalem, dwells among us in the flesh in these last days. No one can be saved without receiving the teachings of the Spirit and the Bride, Father Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and our Mother Jerusalem (Rev. 22:17). However, many do not know correctly, they fail to recognize His divine nature hidden in the flesh.
Salvation depends on God, keeping it in mind, let us receive and honor God who has come to us and spread His salvation to the whole world and let us receive the eternal life from Them.